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Does Your Negative Thinking Create The Exact Opposite Of What You Want?
A Quick, Easy to Use System to Banish Negative Thinking. 
It's An Operating System for Your Mind.  It's Now Online!
  • ​Get Clarity Code Workshop ($328 Value)
  • ​Get Clarity (e-book)  ($27.95 Value)
  •  Amazing Offer Piece #3 Get Clarity Code e-Workbook($19 Value)
  • ​Amazing Offer Piece #4 Get Clarity Journey Map ($19 Value)
  •  Amazing Offer Piece #5 Clarity Attention & Choice Point Guide ($19 Value)
  •  Amazing Offer Piece #6 Get Clarity Shift e-booklet ($19 Value)
  • Amazing Bonus Piece #1  Vision Bridge Plan ($18 Value)
  •  Amazing Bonus Piece #2 Best Practices Card ($10 Value)
  • Amazing Bonus Piece #3  Creatively Choose Your Outcomes Card ($10 Value)
  • Amazing Bonus Piece #4 Light Your Fire - Downloadable Song ($3 Value)
  • Amazing Bonus Piece #5 Chi Gong Video - Downloadable ($29.95 Value
Bonus: Special Training Twice A Month - these continued trainings will help you to stay on your path and provide a continued stream of new information on mindset, life, and finding your balance. ($2,997 Value)
Bonus: Private Facebook Group - this group will provide you 24/7 support and a place where you will be able to find like minded people finding Clarity every day. ($997 Value)
Total Value: $4689
But today, you're getting all of this...
For Only For $497.00
What Would It Be Like To Know How To
And Create The Powerful Results You Want In Your Life? 
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

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Turn On Your Sound To Hear About This Limited Time Offer
What Would Your Life Be Like To
Go From Energy Draining to Energy Gaining?
Watch this short video, and find out....
Do Any Of The Following Statements Ring True With You?
I’m sick and tired of being mentally exhausted all the time. 

Am I doing the right things in my life?

I don’t know what I’m passionate about. 

I don’t know what I want to do next.

I’ve felt stuck for years, not living the life I expected to live. 

There has to be a better way to do life.

For The First Time In 25 years, The Get Clarity® Code To 
Living a Lights-on Vision-Led Life Is Available Online!
"The Get Clarity Code Workshop"
Get Clarity Code for Peak Experiences and Peak Performance Workshop:
There is a secret to choosing to work and live with passion and purpose ― tune into your own energetic signals and consciously choose thoughts that align all aspects of your life with what energizes you.

When you are deeply enmeshed in the mud of negative thoughts and behaviors, it’s very difficult to know where to shift your thoughts — even if you are conscious of the need to do it. Clarity’s Thought Changing System provides you a simple, easy to use system to SHIFT your thought energy. For example: if anxiety is what you are thinking, the system will help you change your thinking to enthusiasm; if you are thinking and feeling scarcity, the system will guide you to thinking abundance.
Join us for this two-hour workshop where you will learn to use all the tools to:
  • Avoid the commonly accepted behaviors that actually inhibit everyone’s performance.
  • • Create a model of behavior and communication that delivers the vitality you want in your work and life.
  • • Activate the deep energy that moves you to peak performance.
  • ​• Energize more powerful relationships in work and life.
  • ​• Stay focused on the thoughts, actions and behaviors that keep you vibrant, energized and on a positive pathway every day.
  • ​• Create a passionate vision for what you want to create in your life.
  • ​• Follow the time-proven Get Clarity Journey Map to create your own life of peak experiences.
Get Clarity, The Lights-On Guide to Manifesting Success in Life and Work E-book.
This book is the ultimate guide for Getting Clarity about life, work, love and play. It contains the proven principles of the Get Clarity Operating System. It also gives examples of the principles in action through inspiring stories of people who are living vibrant, passion driven lives. This book was a three-time award winner for Self Help in 2012. 

“The book offers a step-by-step process to help readers identify what excites and motivates them; attract what they want and release what they don’t; eliminate self-criticism; and navigate setbacks. 
"From the opening testimonial by pro basketball Coach George Karl to the pull-out journey map at the end, Get Clarity looks and reads as if it were produced by a big publishing house. The prose is clear and concise, and subheads and boxed copy help the reader focus on key concepts…the Hawks offer a clear path to achieving your dreams. By book’s end, readers are bound to feel inspiration and enthusiasm for this lights-on approach to living.” BlueInk Reviews: November, 2012
Get Clarity Code Workbook, E-book.
This workbook accompanies the Get Clarity Code workshop. The sixteen exercises included allow you to create your own dreams and visions and take a journey to peak experiences. 

You will be using this as you proceed through the four sections of the Get Clarity Code workshop.
Get Clarity Journey Map, Full color pdf.
This map represents the universal journey to an energetic, vibrant life. The map will guide you on all the flows and challenges as you create you own journey of passion and purpose. 

It will help you remain vigilant when you encounter the eddies of old patterns, and help you gain strength from the lessons. This map was developed by observing and listening to everyone who has made this journey before you.
Clarity Attention and Choice Point Guide, Full color pdf.
This guide will become your favorite, go-to tool to sustain your desire to live a vibrant life. When you find yourself being energetically drained by negative thinking, this tool and the SHIFT Guidebook will guide you to more effective thoughts. 

When using it becomes part of your daily life, you will quickly discover you feel more vibrant, and you project an energy that attracts what you want. Carry it with you and reflect on it often.
SHIFT, The Ultimate How-To Guidebook to Take Charge of Your Own Personal GPS, E-book.
You KNOW how important it is to think positively, however, when you are swirling in the eddy of negativity, it is hard enough to keep your head above water, let alone switch to a positive thought. Although you are well acquainted with the “change your thinking, change your life” philosophy, in the moment that you are stuck, it is frustrating! This booklet will serve as a handy guide to remedy that dilemma, and you will enjoy using the tools, especially to choose among the 56 positive words and find one or more favorites. It is refreshing to know that you have a “positive thought life preserver” that is just a nanosecond away.
Bonus #1
Vision Bridge Plan
When you complete the Get Clarity® Code workshop this plan helps you create a visual map to the important aspects of any passion-led journey. What’s your vision? What are the action steps necessary to make it happen? Who are your strategic allies? What drains your energy and what lights you up? What are the thoughts that can hold you back from your vision?
Bonus #2
Best Practices Card
This card will remind you of some best practices to keep the Clarity processes and systems alive and working in your life – every day. 
The more you use the Get Clarity Operating System the more you will recognize the daily power of being fully aware of and in control of your thoughts.
Bonus #3
Creatively Choose Your Outcomes Card
Another quick reference Clarity® tool you can use to creatively follow your expansive energy, rather than confining energy. 

Bonus #4
Light Your Fire Downloadable Song
A beautiful, meaningful song created specifically for Clarity® to remind you to keep the fire lit. Tiger is a Seattle songwriter and performer. Her music is both powerful and melodic — high energy and heart felt.
Bonus #5
Chi Gong Guide: Shift Your Body to Positive Energy
Thirteen minutes of Chi Gong exercises to move your body’s energy. Chi Gung is a holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation. 
These Tools Are An Atlas for Manifesting Success & Excellence in Life & Work.  The Journey Map, Bridge Plan, & Choice Point Guide Help You Begin To Trust Yourself And Hire Your Own Inner Coach

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Are You An Accidental Tourist In Your Own Life? 
Would It Help To Have a Journey Map to Guide You to the Life You Truly Want to Live?
Do You Sometimes Swirl In An Eddy 
Of Negative Thinking 
and Create The
 Exact Opposite Of What You Want?

Don’t you wish you had a magic wand 
that would give you the answers?
There is a secret to creating this vital and energized life. But it’s much more than magic. The Get Clarity® Code provides a methodology and a proven thought changing system based on biology, neuroscience and 25 years of observing people create the life they want by learning to change their thoughts to change their life. The Founders of Clarity® were once in your shoes of wondering what they wanted and how were they going to find it.
Gary & Cathy Hawk
Are experts in energy — human energy. 

Their Get Clarity® Operating System is a clear, step by step method that makes it easy to stay energized and put time and money into perspective to create a meaningful, joyful life. 

As thought and action leaders in personal transformation, the Hawks are principals in Clarity International®, a coaching and leadership firm based in Colorado. 

Their unique systems were created to provide a process where individuals and leaders can explore, refresh, invigorate and clarify the vision for what they want to create —the vision that drives their energy and actions. 

They are three-time award winning authors of Get Clarity, The Lights-On Guide to Manifesting Success in Life and Work; SHIFT, A Guidebook to Above-the-Line, Positive Thinking; and Powerful Partnering, From Power Struggles to Co-Creative Adventures.

In my late 40’s I felt my life was in neutral – nothing wrong but no excitement. 

I was stopped in my tracks trying to think my way out. I’d spent the past 28 years practicing periodontal dental hygiene. 

I loved helping people get healthy and the freedom of making my own hours, but there was no new challenge there for me. I was stuck at a choice point, not ready to retire, and not knowing what was next. 

What I did know was that I wanted energy, aliveness, passion and purpose – and to make a difference. I decided to take a sabbatical. 
I studied many disciplines from applied kinesiology to eastern energy systems to intuition to physiology to coaching. There was a huge information gap that I could fill, have fun doing it, and bring the knowledge to help others when they were stuck. I ultimately innovated an operating system and a life journey map that many have followed in the past 25 years to create the life of their dreams.
In 1998 I went searching for answers to why I was never fully happy in my daily life. That underlying discontent would have me always wondering if there was a better job or a better relationship that would relieve this restlessness. My underlying belief that the “grass was greener on the other side of the fence” kept me from fully committing to the relationship or the job.

I finally realized that I was the common denominator in all of these failed relationships. I began a five year focused study of self-understanding and improvement. I did therapy, counseling, and life coaching. I read a ton of self-help books, went to dozens of lectures. I studied Eastern spiritual traditions and attended New Thought churches to add to my understanding. They all contributed to my growing awareness of what I needed to understand. 

The simple truth I learned from all of this: My thoughts control my reality. Change my thoughts and I can change my reality. Change my thoughts and I can change my life. I have total control of my own thoughts. Well, believing this truth and making it real in my everyday life were two different things. I learned many different methods. I learned to do daily affirmations, prayers, mantras, visualizations that helped me be aware of what I was thinking. I meditated for an hour every day. I kept gratitude journals to record all the truly good things present in my life. It all helped. I did have more conscious control of my thoughts and I did feel more present in my daily life. 

But, I still spent a lot of time and energy in negative, ineffective thinking, worrying, and doubting myself. 

Then I was introduced to Cathy. She introduced me to Clarity and a deeper awareness that my thoughts control the personal energy I send to the world. When I began learning the Get Clarity Operating System, and began using the thought-shifting tools, I quickly understood that this system was a simple to use codification of all that I had learned in the past five years. Clarity gave me the tools to make it all work in my daily life.

Five years earlier, I had opened myself up to learning a better way to do my life. For me those years were like spiritual rehab. Learning the Clarity Operating System was attending Spiritual University.

Cathy Hawk and Gary Hawk 
Get Clarity®
There Is A Secret To Having The Life Of Your Dreams. 
Find out how to get your life energetically “in the zone” all the time. When you 
align all aspects of your work and life with what energizes you, then success 
happens and you have the opportunity to fully live your life.
Get Clarity’s life affirming and life changing experience is for you if …
  • You're asking yourself - What’s my purpose? What’s my calling in life?
  • You’re asking yourself – “What’s next in my life’s journey? How do I best live my dreams fully?”
  • You have a clear vision of what you want, but seem to lose energy and focus as you move toward it. It always seems just out of reach.
  • There are days when you lack the vitality & energy you want in your life.
  • You want to understand how to activate the deep energy that moves you to sustainable action.
What If. . . . .
  • If you woke up every morning, knowing you will spend the day doing the work you love, what would that mean to you? What would your life be like?
  • What would it be like if your relationships were always energetic and effortless?
  • What would happen if you fully spent each day with vitality, energy and passion?
If These Questions Inspire A Vision Of How You Want Your Life And Work To Be, You Are Invited To Register To Learn The Get Clarity Code.
You will leave this profound and energizing experience with powerful tools to:
  • Know what lights you up and what’s next in your life 
  •  To link energy to attraction and attract what you want in your life 
  •  To look for the energy lights in yourself and others, and know their impact on living your dreams fully 
  •  Understand how energy shows up in the human system; how to see it … how to use it as an asset to create powerful relationships 
  •  Remove judgment and criticism from your life 
  •  Understand and use choice points to create your own reality 
  •  Use a vibrant affirming method of gauging your own “Lights On” energy all the time
"The Get Clarity Code Workshop"
 Create a model of behavior and communication that delivers the vitality 
you want in your work and life.
Every Day That You Aren't Following
The Get Clarity Code

Is Another Day That You Are Still Stressing
Stop the Cycle & Get Your Map & Tools Now.
What Would Your Life Over The Next 90 -120 Days look like if you could:
• Know what lights you up and what’s next in your life 

  Linked energy to attraction and attract what you want in your life

• Look for the energy lights in yourself and others, and know their impact on     
   living your dreams fully

• Understand how energy shows up in the human system; how to see it … how     to use it as an asset to create powerful relationships

• Remove judgment and criticism from your life

• Understand and use choice points to create your own reality

Here’s A Recap Of
When You Purchase The AMAZING Offer!
  • ​Get Clarity Code Workshop ($328 Value)
  • ​Get Clarity (e-book)  ($27.95 Value)
  •  Amazing Offer Piece #3 Get Clarity Code e-Workbook($19 Value)
  • ​Amazing Offer Piece #4 Get Clarity Journey Map ($19 Value)
  •  Amazing Offer Piece #5 Clarity Attention & Choice Point Guide ($19 Value)
  •  Amazing Offer Piece #6 Get Clarity Shift e-booklet ($19 Value)
  • Amazing Bonus Piece #1  Vision Bridge Plan ($18 Value)
  •  Amazing Bonus Piece #2 Best Practices Card ($10 Value)
  • Amazing Bonus Piece #3  Creatively Choose Your Outcomes Card ($10 Value)
  • Amazing Bonus Piece #4 Light Your Fire - Downloadable Song ($3 Value)
  • Amazing Bonus Piece #5 Chi Gong Video - Downloadable ($29.95 Value
Bonus: Special Training Twice A Month - these continued trainings will help you to stay on your path and provide a continued stream of new information on mindset, life, and finding your balance. ($2,997 Value)
Bonus: Private Facebook Group - this group will provide you 24/7 support and a place where you will be able to find like minded people finding Clarity every day. ($997 Value)
Total Value: $4689
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Only $497.00
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

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